A quick trip to London last weekend for a quick business meeting was refreshing, if not relaxing. It was odd to hear people regularly speaking English in public. Although my trip there was a quick one, I did manage to see a few sights in the city. Nothing of note really, but then again, London is much more than just Big Ben and the Tower. Her beauty lies in the quirky little neighborhoods, a pub with intense football action on the screen (the local team, Reading, took it to Liverpool on Saturday night), and chip stands & betting parlors on every other block.
I got a good education on London’s tube system, since I utilized it quite a bit during the weekend.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s well run, seems (mostly) clean, and was very punctual for me. Strangers were extremely friendly and courteous when asked a question.
But it was good to be back in A’dam on Sunday night, even if it did mean a harrowing late-night bus ride from Centraal Station. The nachtlijn (“night line”) starts running if it’s too late for the trams to operate, and this particular bus driver made me feel like I was on the L.A. city bus in the Keanu Reeves movie “Speed.”
This guy was cruising through central Amsterdam doing around 45 or 50 miles per hour in a long articulated bus. Pedestrians must have been shrieking in horror, but I can’t tell you…I was holding on for dear life in one of the middle rows, praying that I’d make it to Leidseplein and live to tell about it. Or, perhaps late-night A’dammers are accustomed to seeing the crazy bus drivers make their rounds. Note to self: Beware the nachtlijn as I step from the curb after a few late-night Heinekens.